We have AMAZING Nounish guests! From Nouns to Jewelers to Buidlers and gamers, if it is happening in the Nouniverse, it will be on our show! Just check out our show archive to see the list so far, and follow @noun_o_clock on twitter to stay in the loop! I am always amazed by how wide Nouns can go. IRL events, such as Nouns On The Ground, folks building entire new Nounish Communities, metaverse, jewelry, stickers, music, everything!
Become a Guest Speaker
Being a guest speaker on our show is a wonderful way to reach a broad audience! Our show currently has around 100 participants every day, and we are astonished by how many people are listening to the recordings! Some of them over 300 times so far!
We will be tagging you in twitter a lot, and will create a show archive page for your show, creating a lasting moment in history and a lovely way to help web2 google searchers find out about your projects! More proliferation!
This is when someone other than our usual hosts take over the hosting.
If you are interested, just hop into our Discord Server and tag @ToadyHawk!