The Daily POAP Contest Winners! … [Read more...] about Episode 31 : Noun 374 : mintface
Episode 28 : Noun 371 : NounSquareLITE The Daily POAP Contest Winner On weekends we have NounSquareLITE. Contests started on Friday run through the weekend, and are announced the following Monday. … [Read more...] about Episode 28 : Noun 371 : NounSquareLITE
Episode 27 : Noun 369 : NounsDAO Japan Takeover with mizukigreen and Momocy The Daily POAP Contest Winners! On weekends we have NounSquareLITE. Contests started on Friday run through the weekend, and are announced the following Monday. … [Read more...] about Episode 27 : Noun 369 : NounsDAO Japan Takeover with mizukigreen and Momocy
Episode 26 : Noun 368 : NounsOnChain The Daily POAP Contest Winners! … [Read more...] about Episode 26 : Noun 368 : NounsOnChain
Episode 25 : Noun 367 : Ty The Daily POAP Contest Winners! … [Read more...] about Episode 25 : Noun 367 : Ty
Episode 21 : Noun 363 : NounSquareLITE The Daily POAP Contest Winner! On weekends we have NounSquareLITE. Contests started on Friday run through the weekend, and are announced the following Monday. … [Read more...] about Episode 21 : Noun 363 : NounSquareLITE
Episode 20 : Noun 362 : NounSquareLITE The Daily POAP Contest Winner! On weekends we have NounSquareLITE. Contests started on Friday run through the weekend, and are announced the following Monday … [Read more...] about Episode 20 : Noun 362 : NounSquareLITE
Episode 18 : Noun 359 : Backseats
Today's guest for The Noun Square is @Backseats_eth. He is currently working on @NounCats and The Early Birbs. The is the first product of his Backseat studio which creates "A better way to read and understand smart contracts". In the show backseat introduced his cool new project! They are minting a set with no bodies (The Invisibles), and a set … [Read more...] about Episode 18 : Noun 359 : Backseats
Episode 17 : Noun 358 : Leo Clark
Today’s guest for The Noun Square was the One and Only @leoclark He is a Filmmaker at @nounsdao @Nf_Aotearoa @NounsNews. He plays Drums, and is into snowboarding and technology. He wants to see a world with less suffering. Noun News ia a broadcast news version of the NounsDAO Newsletter. A fun and quick way to learn about the latest news in the Nouniverse. @leoclark runs it … [Read more...] about Episode 17 : Noun 358 : Leo Clark
Episode 16 : Noun 357 : Brennen
Today’s guest for The Noun Square was the One and Only @brennen_eth . A Friend to Pixels & Scribbles. He loves to collect NFTs and owns NOUNs 13 || 244 || 302 || 404 . His proposal 68 for the Nouns Esports was Executed on May 6th, 2022. The goal of that Proposal was to Proliferate Nouns through Esports initiatives, starting with the signing of a professional Dota 2 … [Read more...] about Episode 16 : Noun 357 : Brennen
Episode 15 : Noun 356 : Anaroth
Our guest for The Noun Square today was @AnarothsNFT! He’s in a few Noun derivative communities, works with Greta & owns @HyypeHQ. He’s also on the TinyDinos board and He’s definitely Nounish. Over the past few months @HyypeHQ have made incredible strides in building infrastructure for #NFT projects. Hyype has paved the way for how we see Lore Management and community … [Read more...] about Episode 15 : Noun 356 : Anaroth
Episode 14 : Noun 355 : NounSquareLITE The Daily POAP Contest Winner! On weekends we have NounSquareLITE. Contests started on Friday run through the weekend, and are announced the following Monday. … [Read more...] about Episode 14 : Noun 355 : NounSquareLITE
Episode 13 : Noun 354 : GOOP DAO Takeover! The Daily POAP Contest Winner! On weekends we have NounSquareLITE. Contests started on Friday run through the weekend, and are announced the following Monday. … [Read more...] about Episode 13 : Noun 354 : GOOP DAO Takeover!
Episode 12 : Noun 353 : John Bisu SZNs The Daily POAP Contest Winner! … [Read more...] about Episode 12 : Noun 353 : John Bisu SZNs
Episode 11 : Noun 352 : Matt Downey
The guest for The Noun Square today was the amazing Matt Downey (@mattdowney)! I remember that day in April 2022, when I first discovered the Nouns discord. Amidst all of the Nounish creations that were blowing my mind, there was this sticker, which I just thought was cool… So many cool things. So many cool projects. Mind blown. Then, a few days l8r... this started … [Read more...] about Episode 11 : Noun 352 : Matt Downey
Episode 09 : Noun 349 : Aubtoshi The Daily POAP Contest Winner! … [Read more...] about Episode 09 : Noun 349 : Aubtoshi
Episode 08 : Noun 348 : David Norvath The Daily POAP Contest Winners! @Venomnmn @_duckhead @andrewladdusaw @hey_maya_hey @splats_wtf … [Read more...] about Episode 08 : Noun 348 : David Norvath
Episode 07 : Noun 347 : NounSquareLITE The Daily POAP Contest Winner On weekends we have NounSquareLITE. Contests started on Friday run through the weekend, and are announced the following Monday. … [Read more...] about Episode 07 : Noun 347 : NounSquareLITE
Episode 06 : Noun 346 : NounSquareLITE The Daily POAP Contest Winner! On weekends we have NounSquareLITE. Contests started on Friday run through the weekend, and are announced the following Monday. … [Read more...] about Episode 06 : Noun 346 : NounSquareLITE
Episode 05 : Noun 345 : Sam Ellis The Daily POAP Contest Winners! @MisterMojoRS @leoclark … [Read more...] about Episode 05 : Noun 345 : Sam Ellis
Episode 04 : Noun 344 : SuperTightWoody The Daily POAP Contest Winners! @venomnmn @manofmissle @cryptoseneca @hapsigmi @benjaminlatsko … [Read more...] about Episode 04 : Noun 344 : SuperTightWoody
Episode 03 : Noun 343 : Oni The Daily POAP Contest Winners! … [Read more...] about Episode 03 : Noun 343 : Oni
Episode 02 : Noun 342 : Messhup The Daily POAP Contest Winners! @WartortleShiny @jfirer @AndrewLaddusaw @allinlook @tummlin … [Read more...] about Episode 02 : Noun 342 : Messhup
Episode 01 : Noun 341 : Patricio POAP Host Links: @toady_hawk @1fortytwo Guest Links: @poapxyz The Daily POAP Our First Contest! … [Read more...] about Episode 01 : Noun 341 : Patricio POAP