Today’s guest for The Noun Square was the One and Only @leoclark He is a Filmmaker at @nounsdao @Nf_Aotearoa @NounsNews. He plays Drums, and is into snowboarding and technology. He wants to see a world with less suffering. Noun News ia a broadcast news version of the NounsDAO Newsletter. A fun and quick way to learn about the latest news in the Nouniverse. @leoclark runs it with his fellow teammates @MatyEth and @PajasETH. @leoclark talked about their new segment on the Noun news called ” The Noun Crier”, which would summarizing all the top news from @nounsdao and around the Nouniverse this week!
Today’s show was hosted by @Benbodhi and @ry_mac210.The show’s Guest was @leoclark from @NounsNews.